Tuesday 29 March 2011

What does it mean to be Strong ?

I recently heard someone ask this question ,  "What does it mean to be strong? ". Being the deep person I am , I decided to think about it, and I started to wonder.

In a troubling time , like loosing a loved one or some other difficult problem , people often try to make you feel better and say , "You must be strong" . Often I wonder what they speak of, there are many forms of strength. Physical strength being the easiest to measure, but more importantly emotional strength how can that be measured or even seen.

How do you know that you are strong ? ... Someone wise once said , "The greatest thing a person can do is not to conquer the world , but to conquer yourself". This is by far the best answer to my question.. being strong doesn't mean that you have to not show emotion or suppress anything, it means that you need to dig deep inside and resolve your emotions so that you are not overtaken by it.

Well , anyway that is my take on it. Drop a comment , what do you think ?


Monday 28 March 2011

Dreams of being a leaf licker!

I have been comtemplating starting a blog for sometime now. There are alot of things i have on my mind.
The most recent thing on my mind is dreams.

Yeah , we all have dreams, some are really awesome some are really scary, but than dreams being some sort of sign( or we think they are) of things to come.

I Just find dreams as an extention of our imaginations. My question is , Is it possible for a person to live an entire life by day and then another when they dream?

Often i would think that a person would resort to something like this if they for instance want to be a rockstar and practically cannot (or have no drive/purpose/means to) become one. It is easier to dream that you are a rockstar than to actually be one. Honestly , I dream of being a world class heavyweight boxer.
It is something I can achieve , Im just too lazy :D..

Using dreams as an escape goat from a average boring life is one thing , using dreams as a replacement for being who you want to be is totally cowardly. I reckon you can be whoever you want to , its totally up to you to decide when and how. :)
